Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy (Belated) New Year!!

Whew! There's a lot happening at Athens Organic Supply & Garden Center! Yes, you read that right....Garden Center. Beginning March 1st we will be a garden center, complete with plants, shrubs and trees. We are also adding "Yardscaping" to our list of services. With the addition of Nick Rosenberg, outdoor design specialist, to our team, we can now design, plan, and install your outdoor living area. Or, for the do-it-yourselfer, we can help you along the way to the outdoor living space of your dreams.
When living in a recession, people are thinking of creative ways to save money. Sometimes you have to spend a little money to save a lot of money in the long run. What better way than turning your back yard into your own private get-away? From beautiful decks and fire-pits, ponds and outdoor kitchens, we can work with any budget. Here are some pictures of things Nick has done. Call us with any questions, or for a free consultation.
Athens Organic Supply & Garden Center
3730 Hwy 31 East
Athens, TX 75752

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fall Open House

If you have been a customer with us for a while, you should be familiar with our bi-annual Open House days. One in the Spring, and one in the Fall. Our Fall Open House is this weekend, Saturday October 17th, from 9am-5pm. Here are the highlights:

11:00am-Our owner, Mike Mugavero, will be giving a raised bed demo.

1:00pm-"Tropical John" Thomas will give a talk on organic gardening methods and products.

Everything will be on sale! Send an email to athensorganic@yahoo.com and I'll send you some coupons for additional savings!

Refreshments will be served, including our very own home-made Pear Preserves and other delicious pear treats, which will also be for sale!

We really hope you can make it out Saturday! DON'T MISS IT!!



Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Importance of Omega Fatty Acids for Dogs

Dogs can produce some of the fatty acids they need, but not all of them. The ones that need to be obtained through their diet are called "essential fatty acids". Essential fatty acids help build muscle, and strong bones and teeth. Fatty acids are also essential in dogs for a healthy skin and coat. They keep the gastrointestinal tract lubricated to provide smooth digestion. In addition, they play a big role in brain function and immune, reproductive, and cardiovascular function.

Fatty acid deficiencies can occur naturally, with some disease conditions, or through fat-restrictive diets in overweight dogs. We have two products at our store that can help with this. Muenster Natural pet foods contain essential Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, even the fat-restrictive senior food. We feed all of our dogs Muenster foods. We also carry a suppliment called "The Missing Link" which, in addition to meeting the requirement for Omega 3 fatty acids, also contains fiber and phyto-nutrients to promote general health. "The Missing Link Plus" has added glucosamine for joint support. They also make a line for cats and people.
Keep on barkin'!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Armyworm invasion

A few of our customers have said they are being invaded by armyworms. One even said they are covering their driveway to where they can't walk without stepping on them! They are most active at night, and hide during the day. They skeletonize lettuce, and other plants such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. Fall armyworms are brown with yellow stripes, and beet armyworms are green with light colored stripes. They can be controlled naturally by releasing trichogramma wasps to parasitize the newly hatched eggs, and lady bugs which feed on armyworm eggs. You can also spray BT (bacillus thuringiensis) or Spinosad (as a last resort) if the pests become intolerable.

Greetings, Organic Gardeners!

I would like to welcome you all to my very first blog post for Athens Organic Supply! I have been writing articles for our newsletter for almost a year now, and my Dad (our store owner, Mike) feels it's time to start a blog. I will be posting regular updates on things happening in our store, our garden, and in the organic gardening world. If you have any questions, comments, opinions, or suggestions for the blog, please email me using the email at the top of this page. I'm very excited about this, and look forward to keeping you informed!

Happy Gardening!

Jennifer Willingham